iHeard Asset

Weight-loss drugs

Public understanding of weight-loss drugs is low

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It’s okay to have questions about weight-loss medicines. Look to sources like your doctor, Mayo Clinic, and MedlinePlus to learn more.

#iHeardSTL #WeightLossDrugs #StayAware #PublicHealthEducation

Fake weight-loss drugs

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Only 4% of adults surveyed in MD, MO and NE are confident that they could tell the difference between fake and real versions of weight-loss drugs. Do you think you could tell the difference? Ozempic should only be obtained with a valid prescription and through state-licensed pharmacies. Check the product before using for any signs of counterfeiting. Visit FDA.gov for more information about counterfeit Ozempic (semaglutide).

#iHeardSTL #WeightLossDrugs #StayAware #PublicHealthEducation

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