In Texas, requests for mental health services rise and fall with COVID-19’s impact. The charts below show nearly identical patterns in the average number of daily requests to 2-1-1s in Texas in 2020 for COVID-19 information and assistance (top chart) and mental health services (bottom chart). We examined 181,393 requests received from January 1st to October 31st in the two categories and plotted them month-by-month. Prior analyses show that when COVID-19 cases increase in communities, COVID-19 requests to 2-1-1 go up. In Texas, changes in COVID-19 requests appears to be highly correlated with requests for mental health services. Overall, requests for mental health services have increased in Texas, from just over 70 per day before the pandemic, to nearly 100 per day in August, September and October. Data are from 2-1-1 Counts, a daily tracking system of community needs used in Texas and 36 other states. Mouse over the node for each month in the charts below to see the average daily requests for COVID-19 and mental health services in Texas.