Top challenges for St. Louis

What challenge would you address to have the greatest benefit? Suggested Caption: We asked St. Louisans: “Many things affect the lives of St. Louisans. If you could address one of the challenges below, which do you think would have the greatest benefit for St. Louis?” #iHeardSTL Gun locks help keep kids safe Suggested Caption: If […]

Survey: Addressing crime would have the greatest benefit for St. Louis

The survey St. Louis adults (n=141) were asked, “Many things affect the lives of people living in St. Louis. If you could address one of the challenges below, which do you think would have the greatest benefit for St. Louis?” They chose from 9 options, each of which is known to be a social determinant of […]

Top health concerns

What are the top health concerns in St. Louis? Suggested Caption: We asked St. Louisans: “What are your top 2 health concerns for our community?” Do you agree with what they said? What are your top health concerns for our community? #iHeardSTL Resources for violence prevention and mental health support Suggested Caption: Remember: Call 988 […]

Gun violence, mental health top health concerns in St. Louis

For the second year in a row, gun violence and mental health are the top health concerns of St. Louis adults. Healthcare access and costs and drug abuse/addiction/overdose were 3rd and 4th. The survey St. Louis adults (n=141) were asked, “What is the biggest health problem facing St. Louis?” After choosing from 14 options, they […]

COVID-19 summer surge is here

COVID-19 hospitalizations in the U.S. have increased steadily since May 4, and COVID cases are growing or likely growing in 45 states and territories. One-third of St. Louis adults surveyed (34%) had heard about the summer wave of COVID in the last week, up from 32% the prior week. Why a summer surge? COVID infections […]

Surgeon General advisories

The Surgeon General advisory Suggested Caption: 🚨 Did you know? The U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy, has declared gun violence a national health crisis and is pushing for warning labels on social media platforms. Let’s spread awareness! #iHeardSTL #PublicHealth #SocialMedia #GunViolence #StayInformed #SurgeonGeneral 8 ways to reduce gun violence Suggested Caption: #DidYouKnow the U.S. […]

U.S. Surgeon General urges action on social media & gun violence

Last month, the U.S. Surgeon General called for warning labels on social media and declared gun violence a national health crisis. Only 24% of St. Louis adults surveyed had heard about the social media warning, down from 37% one week prior. Even fewer (23%) had heard about the gun violence declaration, which was also lower […]

Sunscreen jargon foreign to most St. Louisans

Protecting your skin from the sun isn’t complicated. But it’s easy to get lost in all the letters and numbers like “SPF-30” and “UPF” or terms like “broad-spectrum” and “mineral-based.” Among St. Louis adults surveyed, just 7% to 32% felt they understood these terms well, and many didn’t know which sunscreen types worked best. Here’s […]


What does SPF mean on sunscreen? Suggested Caption: Understanding your sunscreen is essential for good sun protection! 🌞🧴 Make sure you choose the right SPF (30 and above), apply it correctly, and reapply often. Stay safe & stay protected! #iHeardSTL #SunSafety #KnowYourSunscreen #HealthySkin How much sunscreen should I be using? Suggested Caption: Have you ever wondered […]

1 in 6 St. Louis adults always use sunscreen

Although one in five Americans will develop skin cancer by age 70, sunscreen use and knowledge remain low. Among St. Louis adults surveyed, only 17% reported using sunscreen when outside for 15 minutes or more during daylight hours. Just 32% felt that they understood the term SPF “very well.”  Nearly half of adults rarely or never used […]

Extreme heat

What makes heat dangerous? Suggested Caption: Remember, extreme heat can be dangerous. Stay hydrated, seek shade, and take care of yourself. Spread the word about the importance of staying cool and safe! #iHeardSTL #HeatSafety #StayCool Ugh, it’s so hot out! Suggested Caption: With summer heat in full swing, it’s important to remember to check in […]

St. Louis heat wave part of rising trend in U.S. heat deaths 

From 2021 to 2023, heat-related deaths in the U.S. increased by 44%. Only 19% of St. Louis adults surveyed heard about the increase in the last week. Of 542 adults surveyed in five states, those ages 50 and older were more likely than those under 50 (39% vs. 24%) to hear that heat-related deaths are increasing, […]

STI testing and prevention

Did you know syphilis cases are on the rise in the US? Suggested Caption: Syphilis is a treatable bacterial infection, and spreads through unprotected
sexual contact. Testing is key! Symptoms may not be noticeable but serious health problems can still occur without treatment. Call the Saint Louis County Sexual Health Clinic at (314) 615-9736, the St. […]

U.S. Syphilis cases rising; awareness in St. Louis is low

According to CDC, syphilis cases in the US have surged 80% higher since 2018. Congenital syphilis, which is passed from mother to fetus, is up 31% since 2018, with rates 10 times higher than they were in 2012. Only 17% of St. Louis adults surveyed reported hearing about it in the last week.  A top priority in […]

Summer EBT

Have you heard of SUN Bucks? Suggested Caption: Help spread the word about the SUN Bucks program! 🌞 SUN Bucks will help Missouri kids get nutritious meals. Visit the USDA 🌐 or call 📞 855-373-4636 for details. #iHeardSTL #STL #SUNBucks #SummerNutrition

SUN Bucks launches but public awareness is low

Missouri and 34 other states will be launching SUN Bucks, a summer nutrition program to help feed kids. Only 12% of St. Louis adults surveyed (and 11% of those with children under 18 in their home) had heard about SUN Bucks in the last week.  What is SUN Bucks?  When approved in Missouri, SUN Bucks, also […]

Wastewater Monitoring

What is wastewater monitoring? Suggested Caption: Wastewater monitoring helps find infectious disease outbreaks. 🦠✅ When people have infections, virus and bacteria fragments enter the sewer system. Before treatment, samples are taken and tested in labs to find disease spread in a community. 🔍🌍 #iHeardSTL #WastewaterMonitoring #CommunityHealth Wastewater monitoring support Suggested Caption: 82% of respondents supported […]

Wastewater testing has strong public support despite limited knowledge

A survey of 565 adults from five states found that most (58%) were aware that public health officials tested sewer water, but less that 10% said they knew a lot about it. In contrast, 61% said they knew little or nothing about it. What is wastewater monitoring? Wastewater monitoring helps communities detect and respond promptly […]

What do St. Louisans know about their blood pressure?

For World Hypertension Day, we surveyed adult residents of St. Louis and four other states (CO, MD, NE, and TX) to see what they know about blood pressure. Do Americans monitor their blood pressure? Of 587 respondents, two-thirds (68%) reported having their blood pressure checked by a health professional in the last 12 months. Older […]

Blood Pressure

Learn about blood pressure Suggested Caption: High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, can lead to serious health problems. Measuring your blood pressure is the only way to know if you have it. #iHeardSTL #HeartHealth #KnowYourNumbers How can I prevent high blood pressure? Suggested Caption: Take control of your health one heartbeat at a time! […]

Tetanus Safety

Where can I get a tetanus vaccine or check my vaccine status? Suggested Caption: With storm season in full swing, make sure you’re up-to-date on your tetanus shots and boosters! #iHeardSTL #StormCleanup #Tetanus Tetanus safety Suggested Caption: Make sure you’re up-to-date on your tetanus shots and boosters. Talk to your doctor if you’re unsure about […]

Tetanus shots are essential for storm cleanup

Cleaning up after wind damage or flooding from spring storms can increase a person’s risk of exposure to tetanus. Moving storm debris like trees, wood or carpeting can result in scrapes, cuts and puncture wounds. If dust, dirt, soil or flood water comes in contact with broken skin, tetanus spores and other contaminants can enter […]

Tick and Mosquito Season

Step up your defense: It’s mosquito season! Suggested Caption: It’s the start of mosquito season for many places in the U.S. including Missouri. Use these tips to help prevent mosquito-borne diseases like Zika and Malaria.   #iHeardSTL #MosquitoSeason #Mosquito Step up your defense: It’s tick season! Suggested Caption: Don’t let a tick make you sick! Wear […]

Climate scientists: tick and mosquito diseases likely to rise

Tick and mosquito season is upon us, and scientists predict that changes in climate could make future seasons worse. Many adults reported hearing about it last week.   Who is hearing about tick and mosquito diseases?  Of 515 adults surveyed in MO, NE, CO, MD, and TX, 31% reported hearing in the last 7 days that tick- and mosquito-borne diseases were […]

Consumer confidence after bird flu fragments found in milk

Last week, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that fragments of inactive bird flu virus were found in some pasteurized milk sold in grocery stores. Less than 5 days later, 37% of adults surveyed in CO, MD, MO and NE had heard the news.   In the sample of 506 adults, 64% reported that they […]

Poll: Bird Flu

How do milk drinkers feel about the safety of pasteurized milk? Suggested Caption: Is the U.S. milk supply safe? Yes. On May 1st, FDA announced new test results that confirmed that live (active) bird flu virus does not remain in pasteurized milk, further confirming the safety of the milk supply. Raw milk is not safe […]

FDA finds traces of bird flu virus in cow’s milk: Should you be concerned?

What happened? On April 23, the FDA and multiple news organizations reported that particles of the H5N1 bird flu virus have been detected in some cow’s milk samples taken from U.S. grocery stores. Is the U.S. milk supply safe? FDA and CDC say yes, based on what is known today. When the milk samples were […]

UPDATE: Bird Flu

What do we know about bird flu spreading to mammals? Suggested Caption: The FDA and multiple news groups reported that particles of the bird flu virus were found in some cow’s milk samples taken from U.S. grocery stores. FDA and CDC say that based on what we know today, pasteurized milk is safe because the […]

Bird Flu

What should I know about bird flu? Suggested Caption: The bird flu virus is spreading among birds and cattle in the U.S. The risk for the general public is low; those in close contact with infected birds or cows should take precautions.  #iHeardSTL #BirdFlu  Should I be worried about getting bird flu? Suggested Caption: The […]

Bird flu spreading; one case in humans reported

The bird flu virus is spreading among birds and, most recently, cattle in the U.S. In early April, a Texas farmer tested positive for bird flu. Among St. Louis adults surveyed, 19% had heard about the case. Respondents ages 50+ were more likely to hear it than those under 50 (29% vs 14%).  Bird flu, […]

Health chatter dips nationally and in St. Louis

It was a slow week for conversations about health, according to a national dashboard that tracks online and offline narratives about multiple health topics. Here in St. Louis, iHeard’s weekly survey found the same was true locally. National tracking data showed that the spread of health information declined almost 20% from the previous week. Vaccine […]

Sign up for iHeard St. Louis weekly alerts

Sign up for weekly alerts! Suggested Caption: Sign up for weekly iHeard St. Louis alerts and free communication resources! Visit and click on the “sign up” button. #iHeardSTL

Walgreens closing St. Louis store in Jeff-
Vander-Lou neighborhood

In 2023, Walgreens announced it will close 150 stores by August 2024 to cut costs. On April 9th, the next of those stores to close will be in St. Louis’ Jeff-Vander-Lou neighborhood at Grand Boulevard and Martin Luther King Avenue. More than a quarter (28%) of St. Louis adults heard about this closure in the […]

Walgreens Pharmacy in Jeff-Vander-Lou closing

How do I change my pharmacy? Suggested Caption: Want to change your pharmacy? It’s easy! Make sure to have info about your medications and insurance with you. Get in touch with your healthcare provider and pharmacy if you have any questions. #iHeardSTL #STL #Pharmacy Where is a nearby pharmacy? Suggested Caption: The Walgreens store in […]

Weight-loss drugs

Public understanding of weight-loss drugs is low Suggested Caption: It’s okay to have questions about weight-loss medicines. Look to sources like your doctor, Mayo Clinic, and MedlinePlus to learn more. #iHeardSTL #WeightLossDrugs #StayAware #PublicHealthEducation Fake weight-loss drugs Suggested Caption: Only 4% of adults surveyed in MD, MO and NE are confident that they could tell […]

Huge gaps in public understanding of weight-loss drugs

Although two-thirds of adults surveyed had heard about newly approved weight-loss drugs, knowledge about weight-loss drugs in general was low:  In contrast, only 24% thought weight-loss drugs were safe, 38% thought they were effective and 16% thought they helped people sustain weight loss over time. Respondents were 422 adults in MD, MO and NE. “The […]

Updated Resource: Measles

Measles is preventable! Suggested Caption: There have been 58 cases of measles so far this year. This already equals the total number of cases in ALL of 2023. The takeaway: measles is preventable. Vaccinations reduce the spread of measles & the severity of symptoms. #iHeardSTL #Measles #StayHealthy #GetVaccinated

More measles: Case count in first 11 weeks of 2024 matches all of 2023

According to the CDC’s March 18 alert, there have been 58 confirmed cases of measles infection in the U.S. this year, the same number recorded for the entire year in 2023. Over one in four (28%) St. Louis adults reported hearing that “Measles cases are on the rise” in the last week.  Of the 58 […]

COVID-19 Vaccine & Blood Donation

Can I give blood after getting vaccinated for COVID-19? Suggested Caption: Help spread the word: You can donate blood after getting a COVID vaccine. If the vaccine is FDA-approved and you don’t feel sick, you can give blood right away. If you don’t know which vaccine you got, wait 14 days after getting vaccinated. #iHeardSTL […]

Vaccinated for COVID? Yes, you can still donate blood!

Recent social media posts FALSELY claimed that a person cannot donate blood after receiving a COVID vaccine. One in five (21%) adults surveyed in MD, MO, and NE heard the claim last week, and 30% of those believed it could be true.  Men were more likely to hear the claim than women (29% vs 16%).  […]

Awareness of new COVID isolation guidelines high, but gaps remain

On March 1, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated its isolation guidelines for COVID and other respiratory infections. In a survey of 421 adults in three states (MD, MO and NE) conducted March 9-11, 58% had heard about the change.  However, African American respondents were less likely to have heard about the […]

Additional Resources: CDC Guidelines for Respiratory Illnesses

What if I get sick? Suggested Caption: As of March 1, the CDC updated guidelines for respiratory illnesses, such as COVID-19, influenza, and RSV. Take a look at Elena, Sean, Isabella, and Max’s situations for examples on how to navigate the new guidelines! The updated guidelines can be found at: #iHeardSTL #COVIDGuidelines #CDC #STLHealth […]

Measles cases are on the rise: 1 in 4 St. Louis adults heard this

During the first 2 months of 2024, 41 measles cases have been reported across 16 states, including Missouri. In all of 2023, there were only 58 cases in the U.S. Nearly one in four (24%) St. Louis adults reported hearing that measles cases were on the rise last week. Because most measles cases are reported […]


Measles cases Suggested Caption: Have you been hearing about the recent measles outbreaks? Swipe to learn more about what’s going on. The takeaway: measles is preventable. Vaccinations reduce the spread of measles & the severity of symptoms. #iHeardSTL #Measles #StayHealthy #GetVaccinated Measles case increase Suggested Caption: Have you been hearing about the recent measles outbreaks? […]

CDC Guidelines for Respiratory Illnesses

UPDATE (March 1, 2024): Please use the newest resource “New CDC Guidelines” instead of the “COVID-19 Isolation” resource because the guidance on isolation with COVID has changed. New CDC Guidelines Suggested Caption: As of March 1, the CDC has announced new guidelines for respiratory illnesses, such as COVID-19, influenza, and RSV. People who test positive […]

Does long-term Benadryl use cause dementia? 16% of St. Louisans heard it does.

A recent TikTok video claimed that long-term use of Benadryl could increase your risk of dementia. Nearly one in six (16%) St. Louis adults reported hearing the claim in the last week, a 5% increase from the prior week; 93% believed it was true. Older adults 50+ were more likely to hear the claim than […]

Anticholinergic Drug Use

Worried Benadryl is safe? Suggested Caption: Recent TikTok videos claimed that regularly using Benadryl for sleep increases your risk of dementia; scientists are still learning about this, with several studies finding an increased risk if you take the drug daily for 3+ years. Always use your medication as recommended. #iHeardSTL #Benadryl #AnticholinergicDrugs #STLHealth Allergy medication […]

Is CDC changing COVID-19 isolation guidelines? CDC says no, but 93% of St. Louisans who heard it believed it

A banner at the top reads “Weekly Alert 02.22” accompanies: “Is CDC changing COVID-19 isolation guidelines? CDC says no, but 93% of St. Louisans who heard it believed it."

UPDATE (March 1, 2024): The CDC guidance on isolation with COVID & other respiratory illnesses has changed. Please use the newest resource “New CDC Guidelines”. On February 13th, The Washington Post reported that CDC would be relaxing its COVID isolation guidelines. However, CDC officials said that there are no updates to the guidelines. Despite CDC’s denial, 29% […]

Listeria Outbreak

Did you know? Suggested Caption: The CDC and FDA are investigating a Listeria outbreak linked to dairy products. Visit the FDA’s website for a complete list of products that are affected, and check your fridge! #iHeardSTL #Listeria #Queso #Cotija #FDA

Listeria Outbreak? Most St. Louis adults haven’t heard about it

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reopened an investigation into a Listeria outbreak after new illnesses were reported in December 2023. In last week’s iHeard survey only 19% of St. Louis adults had heard that “A Listeria outbreak was linked to dairy products.”   Those under age 50 […]