Did you know?

Suggested Caption:
According to the Red Cross, the number of people donating blood is the lowest it has been in 20 years. Visit http://RedCrossBlood.org or call 1-800-733-2767 to find your local blood donation center and make an appointment.
#iHeardSTL #RedCross #GiveBlood
Donar sangre puede ayudar a salvar la vida de una persona.

Suggested Caption:
Según la Cruz Roja, el número de personas que donan sangre es el más bajo de los últimos 20 años. Visita http://RedCrossBlood.org o llama al 1-800-733-2767 para encontrar tu centro local de donación de sangre y programar una cita.
#iHeardSTL #DonacionDeSangre #RedCross
Printable flyer – Blood Donation

Beth Elders on blood donation

Suggested Caption:
The executive director of Greater St. Louis American Red Cross Beth Elders explains the reasons behind the blood shortage:
“This winter, as often happens, we have seen blood donations drop significantly, with many people busier during the holidays, others experiencing illnesses and unable to donate, and weather forcing blood drives to be cancelled,” Elders said. “With more remote work since the pandemic, that also means fewer people are out in the community where our drives are located. All of these factors have come together to put us into an emergency need and national shortage.”
#iHeardSTL #RedCross #GiveBlood
Am I eligible to donate blood?

Suggested Caption:
January is National Blood Donor Month! Visit http://RedCrossBlood.org or call 1-800-733-2767 to find local blood donation centers today and set up an appointment.
#iHeardSTL #RedCross #GiveBlood
¿Puedo donar sangre?

Suggested Caption:
¡Enero es el Mes Nacional del Donante de Sangre! Visita http://RedCrossBlood.org o llama al 1-800-733-2767 para encontrar centros locales de donación de sangre hoy mismo y programar una cita.
#iHeardSTL #RedCross #DonacionDeSangre