Weekly alert: Top health concern in St. Louis is gun violence
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iHeard asked St. Louis adults what they considered the biggest and second biggest health problem facing St. Louis. By a landslide margin, most people named gun violence the area’s biggest health problem.
Other notable problems include mental health, healthcare access and cost, and drug abuse.
What do you think are the most significant health problems facing our community? Let us know in the comments.
To learn more about this and other health topics in St. Louis, visit iHeardSTL.org or follow @iHeard_STL.
#iHeardSTL #STLHealth #GunViolence #GunViolenceSTL #GunSafety #Healthcare #MentalHealth #DrugAbuse #DrugPrevention
Weekly alert: Top health concern in St. Louis is gun violence
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iHeard asked St. Louis adults what they considered the biggest and second biggest health problem facing St. Louis. Seven out of ten said “gun violence” was a top 2 health concern in St. Louis.
A Washington Post article stated that the growing concern about gun violence aligns with increased mass shootings nationwide. The number of mass shootings in the country in 2022 was the second highest since USA Today and Northeastern University began tracking these incidents in 2006.
Do you think gun violence is the most significant health problem facing St. Louis? Let us know in the comments below.
To learn more about this and other health topics in St. Louis, visit iHeardSTL.org or follow @iHeard_STL.
#iHeardSTL #STLHealth #GunViolence #GunViolenceSTL #GunViolencePrevention #GunSafety
Weekly alert: Racial, age differences in top two health concerns
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iHeard asked adults what they considered the biggest and second biggest health problem facing St. Louis.
Gun violence emerged as the primary health concern for all demographics in St. Louis, regardless of age, race, or gender. However, respondents with children under 18 at home showed heightened concern compared to respondents without children under 18.
Mental health ranked second overall, with variations based on race. Black respondents were more likely than Whites to rank mental health as the biggest or second biggest health concern facing St. Louis.
To learn more about this and other health topics in St. Louis, visit iHeardSTL.org or follow @iHeard_STL.
#iHeardSTL #STLHealth #GunViolence #GunViolenceSTL #Healthcare #MentalHealth
Weekly alert: How did St. Louisans rank health problems?
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iHeard asked adults what they considered the biggest and second biggest health problem facing St. Louis.
Gun violence emerged as the primary health concern (70%) for all demographics in St. Louis, and mental health ranked second overall (27%), with variations based on race.
Other options included on the survey were: Healthcare access and cost, drug abuse, traffic safety, obesity, reproductive healthcare (including contraception and access to abortion), heart disease, cancer, diabetes, climate change, COVID-19 and Long COVID, and transgender healthcare.
To learn more about this and other health topics in St. Louis, visit iHeardSTL.org or follow @iHeard_STL.
#iHeardSTL #STLHealth #GunViolence #GunViolenceSTL #Healthcare #MentalHealth
Top health concern: Only 3% of panelists chose COVID-19 & Long COVID
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In a Gallup poll from March, only a quarter of Americans said they were very or somewhat worried about the pandemic. The article concludes, “Three years after the coronavirus pandemic swept across the U.S., most Americans have left social distancing and masks behind, along with their anxiety about contracting the virus.”
iHeard’s survey aligns with this perception, with only 3% of our panel selecting COVID-19 and Long COVID as the biggest or next biggest problems in St. Louis 3 months after Gallop’s poll.
Are you concerned about COVID and Long COVID? Why or why not?
To learn more about this and other health topics in St. Louis, visit iHeardSTL.org or follow @iHeard_STL.
#iHeardSTL #COVID19 #LongCOVID #COVIDPandemic #STLHealth
Top health concern: Gun violence
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iHeard asked: what are STL’s top health concerns?
Gun violence was the top across demographics. Respondents w/ children <18 at home were more likely to rate it high.
Mental health ranked 2nd; African American respondents were more likely than Whites to rate it high.
To learn more about this and other health topics in St. Louis, visit iHeardSTL.org or follow @iHeard_STL.
Top health concern: Mental health
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iHeard asked: what are STL’s top health concerns?
Gun violence was the top across demographics. Respondents w/ children <18 at home were more likely to rate it high.
Mental health ranked 2nd; African American respondents were more likely than Whites to rate it high.
To learn more about this and other health topics in St. Louis, visit iHeardSTL.org or follow @iHeard_STL.
Respondents with children under 18 at home showed heightened concern about gun violence
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iHeard recently asked adults what they considered the biggest and second biggest health problem facing St. Louis.
Gun violence emerged as the primary health concern for all demographics in St. Louis, regardless of age, race, or gender. However, respondents with children under 18 at home showed heightened concern compared to respondents without children under 18 (63% vs 51%).
To learn more about this and other health topics in St. Louis, visit iHeardSTL.org or follow @iHeard_STL.
More African Americans ranked mental health as the 2nd biggest health concern than White respondents
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iHeard recently asked adults what they considered the biggest and second biggest health problem facing St. Louis.
Mental health ranked second overall, with variations based on race. African American respondents were more likely than Whites to rank mental health as the biggest or second biggest health concern facing St. Louis (37% vs 22%).
To learn more about this and other health topics in St. Louis, visit iHeardSTL.org or follow @iHeard_STL.