Bird flu & egg prices

Egg prices are up Suggested Caption: Eggs are a key source of protein, but with prices soaring due to bird flu, many people are cutting back. This can impact nutrition, especially for those relying on eggs as an affordable staple.   💡 What can you do? Swipe for tips! ➡️  #iHeardSTL #Eggs #EggPrices #BirdFlu 

Red Dye No. 3

BANNED: Red Dye No. 3 Suggested Caption: The FDA is saying goodbye to Red Dye No. 3 in food and medications! Manufacturers must remove it by 2027 (food) and 2028 (meds).  What does this mean for you?
🔎 Check labels to avoid Red Dye No. 3
📢 Share this post to help spread the word!  #iHeardSTL #RedDyeNo3 #FoodSafety #FDA  […]

Winter preparedness 

Winter storm response Suggested Caption: What do you think of the local St. Louis storm response? Have suggestions for how the city and county can improve? Drop your thoughts in the comments below. #iHeardSTL #WinterStorm #StormResponse #STLStorm #STLWinter #PublicSafety #StormPreparedness  What should you know about winter weather? Suggested Caption: It’s cold out there! Make sure […]

12 days of iHeard STL 2024

Day 1: Introduction Caption: It’s that time of year! 🎉🗓️ iHeard is spending the last 12 days of 2024 reflecting on our work and sharing new insights about what St. Louisans heard this year. We asked 200+ St. Louisans what they heard about health information this year. What have you heard about health in your […]

Sobering support center

Ever heard of a sobering support center? Suggested Caption: A sobering support center is a safe place where people usually can stay for a few hours to sober up. It’s not a treatment center, but it connects people to support. Sobering support is just one part of the solution to address the impact of alcohol […]

Mental health

What is 988? Suggested Caption: ⚠️ Only 29% of St. Louisans are aware that 988 is the 3-digit Suicide and Crisis Lifeline ⚠️ Let’s change that! Spread the word, and save lives. Together, we can make a difference in our community’s mental health 🗣️💙 #iHeardSTL #MentalHealthAwareness #988 #STLMentalHealth Spread the word Suggested Caption: Here in […]

Top challenges for St. Louis

What challenge would you address to have the greatest benefit? Suggested Caption: We asked St. Louisans: “Many things affect the lives of St. Louisans. If you could address one of the challenges below, which do you think would have the greatest benefit for St. Louis?” #iHeardSTL Gun locks help keep kids safe Suggested Caption: If […]

Sign up for iHeard St. Louis weekly alerts

Sign up for weekly alerts! Suggested Caption: Sign up for weekly iHeard St. Louis alerts and free communication resources! Visit and click on the “sign up” button. #iHeardSTL

12 days of iHeard STL 2023

Day 1: Introduction Caption: It’s that time of year! 🎉🗓️ iHeard is spending the last 12 days of 2023 reflecting on our work and sharing new insights about what St. Louisans heard this year. We surveyed 200+ St. Louisans each week and asked questions about health information. What have you heard about health in your […]

RSV Vaccination

Why do older adults need the RSV vaccine? Suggested Caption: The rate of RSV infection is rising right now in MO. An RSV vaccine for older adults is available and could help protect against hospitalizations. Check local vaccination options today! #iHeardSTL #RSV #RSVVaccination #GetVaccinated #RespiratoryInfection Should infants get the RSV vaccine? Suggested Caption: The rate […]

FDA Recall – Eyedrops

Do you use eyedrops? Suggested Caption: On October 27, the FDA warned consumers to stop using 26 over-the-counter eyedrop products. Anyone using recalled eye products should visit an eye care professional if they have eye infection symptoms such as blurry vision, discharge, pain or discomfort, redness of the eyelid, feeling like there is something in […]

FDA Recall – Fruit Pouches

WanaBana & Schnucks recall contaminated fruit pouches Suggested Caption: Parents and caregivers: don’t give your kids apple cinnamon fruit puree pouches! The FDA says they might have too much lead. To learn more about this and other health topics in St. Louis, visit or follow @iHeard_STL. #iHeardSTL #SafetyFirst #RecallAlert  Alerta de retirada del mercado de […]

Hospital Changes in St. Louis

Weekly alert: Be aware of hospital changes in St. Louis Suggested Caption: DePaul Hospital will end Level II trauma services on September 10th due to a low number of trauma patients. The hospital will continue Level I trauma care for treating conditions like heart attacks and strokes. To learn more about this and other health […]

Summer Heat

Weekly alert: Summer heat waves Suggested Caption: Did you hear? Ameren is working to support customers with the Keeping Current & Keeping Cool payment assistance programs. Summer heat waves and excessive heat can be dangerous for children, older adults, people with heart conditions, and those who work outside. Cool Down St. Louis provides families with […]

Youth Safe Spaces

Weekly alert: Organizations expand access to safe spaces for young people Suggested Caption: At least 3 out of 10 (31%) surveyed St. Louis adults have heard that more organizations are expanding access to safe places for young people in St. Louis. Older people (40+ years) are more likely to have heard this information than younger […]

Top Health Concerns in St. Louis

Weekly alert: Top health concern in St. Louis is gun violence Suggested Caption: iHeard asked St. Louis adults what they considered the biggest and second biggest health problem facing St. Louis. By a landslide margin, most people named gun violence the area’s biggest health problem. Other notable problems include mental health, healthcare access and cost, […]

Free Gun Locks

Weekly alert: Free gun locks Suggested Caption: Guns are the leading cause of death for US children and teens, since surpassing car accidents in 2020. In response to this crisis and a growing number of recent child firearm injuries in St. Louis, SSM Health and some other St. Louis hospitals began offering free gun locks […]

Youth Tobacco Use

Weekly alert: 78% of St. Louisans believe protecting children’s health should come before business. Suggested Caption: According to our survey, nearly 8 in 10 (78%) St. Louisans believe protecting children’s health should come before business. On May 16, St. Louis County Council’s reversed a rule prohibiting tobacco sales within 1000 feet of school property. St. […]

COVID-19 Public Health Emergency

Weekly alert: COVID-19 public health emergency expiration Suggested Caption: St. Louis residents are still hearing about the Public Health Emergency ending in May. In mid-February, when this item first appeared on our survey, 43% of STL adults had heard it. Exposure to this information has steadily remained high over these 2+ months. Is there anything […]

Hospitals & Changing Mask Rules

St. Louis area hospitals changed mask rules Suggested Caption: Last week, almost half of the St. Louis adults in our panel (47%) heard that St. Louis area hospitals are ending their mask requirements. Nearly all (97%) of those who heard it believed it. BJC HealthCare ended its masking requirement on March 23, following SSM Health […]

Over-the-counter Naloxone

Weekly Alert: Naloxone Suggested Caption: Do you know about Naloxone? A third of St. Louis adults (34%) heard about the FDA recommendation to make Narcan/Naloxone available as an over-the-counter overdose death prevention prescription drug nationwide. Naloxone/Narcan trainings are available throughout the St. Louis region. The T, an organization promoting harm reduction in St. Louis, hosts […]

Traffic Safety

Weekly alert part 1: Local traffic Suggested Caption: How do residents feel about traffic safety in St. Louis? 🛑 ⚠️ 🚗🚦 (Part 1/2) Not great, our recent survey shows. Most felt that local traffic was unsafe and getting more dangerous. Only 1% of respondents thought it was getting safer. Mayor Tishaura O. Jones recently signed […]