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Sobering support center

The Dunnica Sobering Support Center

Suggested Caption:

A sobering support center is a safe place where people can usually stay for a few hours to sober up. It’s not a treatment center, but it connects people to support. Sobering support is just one part of the solution to address the impact of alcohol and drug use.

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Ever heard of a sobering support center?

Suggested Caption:

A sobering support center is a safe place where people usually can stay for a few hours to sober up. It’s not a treatment center, but it connects people to support. Sobering support is just one part of the solution to address the impact of alcohol and drug use. 

#iHeardSTL #SoberingCenter #DunnicaSoberingSupportCenter #HelpIsAvailable 

Need a safe space to get an intoxicated person through a crisis?

Suggested Caption:

A sobering support center is a safe place to get through an alcohol or drug crisis. It offers a place to rest, showers and snacks. Resource connection is available.

#iHeardSTL #SoberingCenter #DunnicaSoberingSupportCenter #HelpIsAvailable

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