Weekly alert: Organizations expand access to safe spaces for young people

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At least 3 out of 10 (31%) surveyed St. Louis adults have heard that more organizations are expanding access to safe places for young people in St. Louis.
Older people (40+ years) are more likely to have heard this information than younger people (less than 40 years)- 53% vs 13%. Also, African Americans are more aware of this information than Whites (43% vs 25%).
Can you think of any safe spaces in your local community? Have you heard of these initiatives?
To learn more about this and other health topics in St. Louis, visit iHeardSTL.org or follow @iHeard_STL.
#iHeardSTL #STLHealth #SafeSpacesSTL #YouthSafety #STLViolencePrevention
Weekly alert: Organizations expand access to safe spaces for young people

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St. Louis organizations are expanding access to safe spaces for young people, and about 3 in 10 St. Louisans have heard about it.
Building safe places for youths provides mental and physical safety from, e.g., harassment, bullying, and
violence, which can help foster their personal growth and development (Journal of Preventive
Can you think of any safe spaces in your local community? Have you heard of these initiatives?
To learn more about this and other health topics in St. Louis, visit iHeardSTL.org or follow @iHeard_STL.
#iHeardSTL #STLHealth #SafeSpacesSTL #YouthSafety #STLViolencePrevention
Youth Safe Spaces

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Young people want to go “somewhere that’s safe, somewhere that they know they can get help, somewhere that they know they can rest, somewhere they know that they can eat without having to feel like they’re stuck in some kind of system or program,” says Lily Blake, Director of Operations at Restoration House.
It’s essential to support and create safe, comfortable environments for St. Louis young adults. Do you know of any safe spaces in your community?
To learn more about this and other health topics in St. Louis, visit iHeardSTL.org or follow @iHeard_STL.
#iHeardSTL #STLHealth #SafeSpacesSTL #YouthSafety #STLViolencePrevention
Interested in sharing information about youth safe spaces in STL?

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Young people want to go “somewhere that’s safe, somewhere that they know they can get help, somewhere that they know they can rest, somewhere they know that they can eat without having to feel like they’re stuck in some kind of system or program,” says Lily Blake, Director of Operations at Restoration House.
It’s important to support and create safe, comfortable environments for St. Louis young adults. Do you know of any safe spaces in your community?
To learn more about this and other health topics in St. Louis, visit iHeardSTL.org or follow @iHeard_STL.
#iHeardSTL #STLHealth #SafeSpacesSTL #YouthSafety #STLViolencePrevention
Youth safe spaces callout

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It’s essential to support and create safe, comfortable environments for St. Louis young adults.
Are there safe spaces in your community that you want youths to be more aware of?
To learn more about this and other health topics in St. Louis, visit iHeardSTL.org or follow @iHeard_STL.
#iHeardSTL #STLHealth #SafeSpacesSTL #YouthSafety #STLViolencePrevention
43% of African Americans heard about expanding safe spaces

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It’s essential to support and create safe, comfortable environments for St. Louis young adults.
Are there safe spaces in your community that you want youths to be more aware of?
To learn more about this and other health topics in St. Louis, visit iHeardSTL.org or follow @iHeard_STL.
#iHeardSTL #STLHealth #SafeSpacesSTL #YouthSafety #STLViolencePrevention