If you hear this…You can say:

Suggested Caption:
The claim that “if vaccines worked, we wouldn’t have diseases like flu, measles and mumps,” has been circulating as a meme on social media.
That claim is NOT true. Vaccines reduce the risk or severity of an illness by training our immune system to fight the illness.
To learn more about this and other health topics in St. Louis, visit iHeardSTL.org or follow @iHeard_STL.
#iHeardSTL #Vaccination
Si escucha esto…Usted puede decir:

Suggested Caption:
La afirmación que indica que “si las vacunas funcionaran, no tendríamos enfermedades como gripe, sarampión y paperas”, ha estado circulando como un meme en las redes sociales.
Esta afirmación NO es cierta. Las vacunas reducen el riesgo o la gravedad de una enfermedad al entrenar a nuestro sistema inmunológico para combatirla.
Printable flyer (Spanish and English versions available)

Survey results: progress!

Suggested Caption:
On October 2nd, 100% of iHeard survey respondents who had heard the false claim that “if vaccines worked, we wouldn’t have diseases like measles, mumps and the flu” believed it. Four weeks later, only 60% believed it. That’s progress!