States with the largest increases in 2-1-1 requests in November share one thing in common. 2-1-1s in Connecticut (requests up 139% from October to November), Maine (+26%), Wyoming (+25%) and Iowa (+14%) have all been designated as the COVID-19 helpline in their states, ranking 1-4 in the chart below. As COVID-19 cases rose across the U.S. during November, calls to 2-1-1s about COVID-19 increased, as well. Not surprisingly, requests to 2-1-1 have risen most in states that actively send residents to 2-1-1 for COVID-19 information. As an example, COVID-related requests surged in Connecticut during November, accounting for much of its gains reflected below. Blue bars in the chart indicate states in which 2-1-1 requests increased from October to November, while red bars show states where requests declined. Mouse over each bar to see the number of requests and month-to-month percentage change. Analyses included 2,453,571 requests received by 2-1-1s in the 31 states listed from October 1 to November 30, 2020. Data were from 2-1-1 Counts, a daily tracking system of community needs used by 2-1-1s in 37 states.