iHeard Asset

Tick and Mosquito Season

Step up your defense: It’s mosquito season!

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It’s the start of mosquito season for many places in the U.S. including Missouri. Use these tips to help prevent mosquito-borne diseases like Zika and Malaria.  

#iHeardSTL #MosquitoSeason #Mosquito

Step up your defense: It’s tick season!

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Don’t let a tick make you sick! Wear protective gear (long pants, sleeves and socks) and stay away from tick habitats (long grasses) when possible. Learn more on CDC’s website.

#iHeardSTL #TickSeason #Ticks

Outdoor-lovers be aware

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For all outdoor-lovers, these tips are for you:  
– Wear long sleeves, long pants and socks
-Use EPA-registered insect repellent
-Replace outdoor lights with “bug” lights

#iHeardSTL #TickSeason #MosquitoSeason

Check for ticks

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Always do a tick check after outdoor hikes and activities! If you find one, remove it with tweezers.

#iHeardSTL #TickDefense #TickSeason #Ticks

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Help the local disease prevention programs by sharing ticks you find! Mail a tick or submit online.

#iHeardSTL #TickSeason

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