In 2023, Walgreens announced it will close 150 stores by August 2024 to cut costs. On April 9th, the next of those stores to close will be in St. Louis’ Jeff-Vander-Lou neighborhood at Grand Boulevard and Martin Luther King Avenue.
More than a quarter (28%) of St. Louis adults heard about this closure in the last seven days; Black community members were more likely than Whites to have heard about it (36% vs 26%). In 2022, 90% of Jeff-Vander-Lou residents were African American.
To ease the impact of the closure on neighborhood residents, Walgreens is offering prescription transfers, 1-2 day prescription delivery and 1-hour delivery options. Residents can also call 314-200-5313 for immediate help.
Nearby pharmacy options for residents who need to move their prescriptions include Greater Health Pharmacy at Delmar DivINe (5503 Delmar Blvd, Suite B), Walgreens (4171 Lindell Blvd or 4218 Lindell Blvd), and CVS (3925 Lindell Blvd).
Community organizations in St. Louis can help Jeff-Vander-Lou residents by sharing the resources below to raise awareness of the closure and nearby pharmacy alternatives.
This week’s report is based on responses from a panel of adult residents of St. Louis City and County, MO (n = 154), surveyed from Saturday, March 30 to Monday, April 1, 2024. Explore these data and more at iHeardSTL.
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Want to change your pharmacy? It’s easy!
Make sure to have info about your medications and insurance with you. Get in touch with your healthcare provider and pharmacy if you have any questions.
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The Walgreens store in St. Louis’ Jeff-Vander-Lou neighborhood (1400 N. Grand) is set to close April 9th. Nearby pharmacy options for residents who need to move their prescriptions include Greater Health Pharmacy at Delmar DivINe (5503 Delmar Blvd Suite B), Walgreens (4171 Lindell or 4218 Lindell), and CVS (3925 Lindell).
#iHeardSTL #Walgreens #STL #Pharmacy