Where can I get a tetanus vaccine or check my vaccine status?

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With storm season in full swing, make sure you’re up-to-date on your tetanus shots and boosters!
#iHeardSTL #StormCleanup #Tetanus
Tetanus safety

Suggested Caption:
Make sure you’re up-to-date on your tetanus shots and boosters. Talk to your doctor if you’re unsure about your tetanus vaccine status or check your online records.
#iHeardSTL #Tetanus #TetanusVaccination
Let’s talk tetanus

Suggested Caption:
When cleaning up after a disaster, be careful of cuts and wounds. To prevent infection, including tetanus, clean all cuts and wounds with soap and clean water, use antibiotic ointment, and cover. If a wound swells or drains, seek medical attention immediately.
#iHeardSTL #StormCleanup #WoundSafety #FirstAid #Tetanus
Tetanus Safety: Printable Flyer