We asked St. Louis adults, “If someone you know in St. Louis needs help staying cool or paying utility bills from air conditioning, do you know where to send them?” Only 24% said “yes.” The majority (63%) said “no,” while 13% were “not sure.” Younger St. Louisans (under age 40) were less likely to know about cooling resources compared to those age 40 and older (18% vs. 32%).
Summer heat waves and excessive heat can be dangerous for children, older adults, people with heart conditions, and those who work outside. Cool Down St. Louis can provide families with air conditioners and/or money to pay their energy bills. Ameren helps support customers with its Keeping Current & Keeping Cool payment assistance programs.
This report is based on 164 responses from a panel of adult residents of St. Louis City and County surveyed from Saturday, July 29, to Monday, July 31, 2023.
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We know it’s hot out there! Share about how to stay cool this summer with someone you know.
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#iHeardSTL #HeatSafety #STLSummer