Although 61% of adults surveyed across five states think the benefits of COVID vaccines outweigh the risks, only 36% say they are very likely to take the updated COVID vaccine.
Who is likely to take the updated COVID vaccine?
Among 585 adults surveyed, 36% reported it was “very likely” and 28% “somewhat likely” that they would take the updated COVID vaccine in the next 6 months; 11% said it was “somewhat unlikely,” 16% “very unlikely,” and 10% were not sure. Among those ages 60 and older, 59% were very likely to take the updated COVID vaccine, compared to just 31% among those 18-29.
Top reasons for not getting the updated vaccine
Among the 210 survey respondents who were not sure about getting the vaccine or were unlikely or very unlikely to get it, 35% think the vaccine has side effects, 33% aren’t worried about getting COVID, 25% don’t think the vaccine is safe, 19% don’t think the vaccine is effective, and 15% think the vaccine is dangerous.
Women more likely to express vaccine concerns
Among respondents unsure about or unlikely to take the updated vaccine, women were more likely than men to say they don’t think the vaccine is safe (28% vs 18%) or effective (21% vs 12%) and more likely to say they think the vaccine is dangerous (18% vs 10%).
Older adults view COVID vaccines more favorably
Among respondents ages 50 and older, 79% think the benefits of COVID vaccines outweigh the risks, compared to 54% among those younger than 50. Even among older adults who were unsure about or unlikely to take the updated COVID vaccine, less than 10% expressed concerns about the vaccine’s safety, effectiveness, or side effects.
St. Louis respondents more positive about COVID vaccine than other communities
Over 70% of St. Louis adults surveyed think the benefits of COVID vaccines outweigh the risks; 46% reported they were “very likely” to take the updated COVID vaccine, and 25% said they were “somewhat likely” to take it. These rates were the highest of all communities in the survey. Please share the assets below and encourage St. Louisans to discuss the findings.
Click here to view a printable PDF about the Fall 2024 updated COVID vaccines.
Survey information
This week’s report is based on responses from a panel of 585 adult residents of St. Louis, MO (n = 142), Omaha, NE (n = 87), Texas (n = 91), Baltimore, MD (n = 128) and Colorado (n = 137) surveyed September 7-9, 2024. Explore these data and more at iHeardSTL.
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The FDA approved new and updated COVID vaccines for the fall to better protect against current variants. Learn about what St. Louisans think about the updated vaccine.
#iHeardSTL #COVID #FDA #COVIDVaccine
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What do St. Louisans think about the newly approved, updated COVID vaccine? We asked! 70% think the benefits of COVID vaccines outweigh the risks.
#iHeardSTL #COVID #FDA #COVIDVaccine
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