As weight loss drugs explode in popularity, we asked St. Louisans if they have heard about GLP-1 weight loss drugs like Ozempic, Wegovy, or Mounjaro in the last 2 weeks. Most (62%) said yes. This was the highest rate among five states included in the survey.
Who is hearing about GLP-1 drugs?
Among the 551 adults surveyed in 5 states, half had heard about the weight loss drugs in the last two weeks. Women were more likely to hear about the drugs than men (52% vs. 45%), as were those living in rural vs. urban areas (62% vs. 50%).
What are they hearing?
GLP-1 medications help lower blood sugar levels for people with diabetes and also promote weight loss (CDC). However, only 25% of survey respondents who had heard about the GLP-1 drugs reported hearing how they help with chronic disease. Many more respondents heard that:
- GLP-1 drugs have serious side effects (41%). Men were more likely to hear this than women (44% vs. 38%) as were rural vs. urban residents (59% vs. 39%);
- GLP-1 drugs are expensive (41%). Women more likely to hear this than men (44% vs. 29%);
- GLP-1 drugs are hard to get because of low supply (37%);
- There are fake versions of GLP-1 drugs (36%).Adults age 60+ heard this more than those under 60 (59% vs 31%), as did Black respondents vs. Whites (48% vs. 35%) and urban vs. rural residents (39% vs. 16%); and,
- There are issues with insurance covering GLP-1 drugs (30%). Highest, 47%, in those 60+.
Where are they hearing it?
Among those hearing about GLP-1 drugs in the last two week, most (53%) heard it on social media, especially those younger than 50 compared to 50+ (64% vs. 31%) and Hispanics vs. non-Hispanics (62% vs. 48%). News from TV, online, radio or newspapers was the next most common source (37%), especially for adults ages 60+ vs. <60 (80% vs. 27%) and non-Hispanics vs. Hispanics (42% vs. 28%). Family or friends (also 37%) was more common among rural vs urban residents (53% vs. 35%). Other cited sources were advertisements (23%), online searches (10%), and healthcare providers (9%).
Share findings, see what others think
What do you think about the risks and benefits of GLP-1 drugs? Share the resources below and start a conversation. Talking openly about health issues helps with St. Louis response efforts.
Survey information
This week’s report is based on responses from a panel of 592 adult residents of St. Louis, MO (n = 143), Omaha, NE (n = 90), Texas (n = 98), Baltimore, MD (n = 124) and Colorado (n = 137) surveyed September 14-16, 2024. Explore these data and more at iHeardSTL.
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What are you hearing about GLP-1 drugs like Ozempic, Wegovy or Mounjaro? These drugs can help lower blood sugar levels for people with type 2 diabetes and also promote weight loss.
#iHeardSTL #GLP1 #WeightLossDrugs

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