Respiratory infections are on the rise in St. Louis, but free face masks are harder to find.
The City of St. Louis Department of Health recently issued a masking recommendation for residents due to the increased respiratory infection rates in late December:
- COVID-19 hospitalization up 38%;
- Influenza cases up 455% in 25-49 year olds;
- RSV positive test results up 34%.
However, 1 in 7 St. Louis adults surveyed said they’ve heard that it is harder to find free masks now than last year. Black community members were much more likely to have heard the claim than Whites (27% vs 6%), as were those age 50 and older compared to younger respondents (35% vs 5%).
Mask wearing is not mandatory in St. Louis but can help limit the spread of respiratory infections in the community.
Organizations that have free face masks available for the public can use the health information resources below to increase community awareness of where to get free masks. It may be especially important to reach older adults and African American community members with this information.
This week’s report is based on 154 responses from a panel of adult residents of St. Louis City and County surveyed from Saturday, January 20, to Monday, January 22, 2024. Explore these data and more at iHeardSTL.
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Does your organization have free face masks available for the public? Let people know! Use these templates to spread the word!
If you need help adding your information or logo to these resources, send us a message at

Suggested caption:
We have free masks! When you enter our doors, you can expect to find free masks at the entrance, if you want one.
#iHeardSTL #FreeMasks

Suggested caption:
Mask wearing is not mandatory in St. Louis but can help limit the spread of respiratory infections in the community.
#iHeardSTL #Masks #StayHealthy #KeepSTLHealthy