According to Red Cross, the number of people donating blood is the lowest it has been in 20 years. Among St. Louis adults surveyed, 27% had heard about the emergency blood shortage in the last 7 days. Younger adults (<40) were less likely to hear about it than those 40 and older (14% vs. 40%), as were White adults compared to African Americans (24% vs 37%).
One reason for the shortage is there are fewer donation sites since the COVID-19 pandemic. If the shortage continues, people who need life-saving blood transfusions may not have access.
Blood banks collect, separate, test and store blood until a patient needs it. Blood collection centers identify shortages by tracking donation trends and inventory levels, and work with hospitals to understand their level of need.
Community organizations in St. Louis can encourage eligible donors to set up an appointment as soon as possible at or by calling 1-800-733-2767. Eligibility requirements for blood and platelet donations can be found here. Share the resources below or visit the Red Cross Messaging Toolkit for additional messaging and graphics.
This week’s report is based on 155 responses from a panel of adult residents of St. Louis City and County surveyed from Saturday, January 13, to Monday, January 15, 2023. Explore these data and more at iHeardSTL.
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The executive director of Greater St. Louis American Red Cross Beth Elders explains the reasons behind the blood shortage:
“This winter, as often happens, we have seen blood donations drop significantly, with many people busier during the holidays, others experiencing illnesses and unable to donate, and weather forcing blood drives to be cancelled,” said. “With more remote work since the pandemic, that also means fewer people are out in the community where our drives are located. All of these factors have come together to put us into an emergency need and national shortage.”
#iHeardSTL #RedCross #GiveBlood

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According to the Red Cross, the number of people donating blood is the lowest it has been in 20 years. Visit or call 1-800-733-2767 to find your local blood donation center and make an appointment.
#iHeardSTL #RedCross #GiveBlood

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January is National Blood Donor Month! Visit or call 1-800-733-2767 to find local blood donation centers today and set up an appointment.
#iHeardSTL #RedCross #GiveBlood