Free at-home COVID tests

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Here’s what you need to know about ordering free COVID-19 tests again:
– Limit of one order per residential address
– One order includes 4 individual rapid antigen COVID-19 tests ( has more details about at-home tests, including extended shelf life and updated expiration dates)
– Orders will ship free starting the week of October 2, 2023
To learn more about this and other health topics in St. Louis, visit or follow @iHeard_STL.
#iHeardSTL #COVID #FreeCOVIDtests #SelfTesting #COVIDSTL #StaySafeSTL
Weekly alert: COVID-19 Testing

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When should you test for COVID?
If you have symptoms, test immediately! If you do not have symptoms but have been exposed to COVID-19, wait at least five full days after your exposure before taking a test.
iHeard asked St. Louis adults if they had heard “COVID cases are rising” in late August. Almost half (46%) said “yes.” More people (11%) also reported taking more frequent precautions (such as wearing masks, washing their hands often, avoiding close contact with others, and avoiding large indoor gatherings). This is the highest precaution rate iHeard has recorded since March 2023.
To learn more about this and other health topics in St. Louis, visit or follow @iHeard_STL.
#iHeardSTL #COVID #COVIDtesting #COVIDSTL #STL #STLTesting #StaySafe #StaySafeSTL
How are Sam and his mom Monina dealing with a positive COVID-19 test?

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Sewershed surveillance in the St. Louis region shows that the amount of COVID-19 virus in wastewater increased by 94% from July 14 to Aug. 14.
The current CDC guideline for anyone who tests positive recommends staying home for at least 5 days and isolating themselves from others in their home. Check your workplace or school for organization-specific guidelines.
Follow Sam and Monina’s story of COVID-19 testing to learn more about the recommended testing guidelines and what to do.
To learn more about this and other health topics in St. Louis, visit or follow @iHeard_STL.
#iHeardSTL #COVID #COVIDtesting #StaySafe #StaySafeSTL