The local supply of COVID vaccine for children is lagging, and more St. Louisans are hearing about it.
Last week, one in five adults surveyed had heard that it’s hard to find COVID vaccine for young children, up 20% from the prior week.
Availability of the pediatric COVID vaccine currently varies across St. Louis. Some pharmacies and health centers have it, and some do not. If your organization provides child vaccinations and currently has the updated COVID vaccine available, please let people know. You can customize and use the digital asset below.
Parents wanting to vaccinate their child with an updated COVID vaccine can avoid frustration by asking vaccine providers, “Do you currently have the updated pediatric COVID vaccine?” Start with your child’s healthcare provider or a Department of Health community partner such as Affinia Healthcare, CareSTL Health, or Family Care Health Center. Some reported having the pediatric vaccine earlier this week. You can also check with your local pharmacy. For a list of pharmacies near you, search, text your ZIP code to 438829, or call 1-800-232-0233.
Vaccinating children with the updated COVID-19 shot protects not only the child but also family members who may be at increased risk of getting very sick if infected. Vaccination also helps keep kids in daycare and school, and allows them to safely participate in sports, playdates, and other group activities.
This week’s report is based on responses from a panel of 154 St. Louis City and St. Louis County adult residents who were surveyed from Saturday, October 21, to Monday, October 23, 2023. Explore these data and more at iHeardSTL.
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Vaccinating kids can help protect family members and keep kids in daycare and school, allowing them to safely participate in sports, playdates, and other group activities.
Use these tips to find and schedule a vaccine for your child today!
#iHeardSTL #COVIDvaccination #VaxUp
Does your organization have the updated pediatric COVID vaccine? Let people know! Use this template to spread the word.

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Are you looking for the updated COVID vaccine for kids? We have it!